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Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona


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Announcing the 2013 Summer Forum Keynote Presenters

18 Mar 2013 5:22 PM | Anonymous
The Summer Forum Committee is very excited to announce our Keynote presenters for the June 12th, 2013 event: Gateway to Impact.

Nell Edgington is the president of Social Velocity, and comes to us from Austin, Texas.  Nell is highly recommended and gaining a national following for her both blog site and commentary, as well as her practical approach to meeting the financial needs of the non-profit sector.

Dr. Susan Raymond comes to us from Washington DC, through Changing our World.  This remarkable author and presenter has wowed audiences in Arizona before...albeit many years ago...and comes highly recommended for her thought provoking approach to teaching and coaching.  Internationally recognized, we welcome you back to Arizona, Dr. Raymond!

Ramsay Slugg comes to us from Dallas, Texas, and will share his thoughts and the implications for development professionals from a critical base of research material that he was instrumental in initiating:  Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy.

The program offerings throughout the day include additional insights during more intimate and interactive breakout sessions with each of our keynote presenters.

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