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Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona


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Mission: Educate, motivate and empower our community to collectively promote and facilitate charitable gift planning

Vision: We envision an enriched community where leaving a legacy through charitable gift planning is the social norm

Honoring and Thanking our Past Leadership

 1989  Barbara Bailey
 1990  Willard Bailey
 1991  Leonard Gibb
 1992  John Ferree
 1993  David Richardson
 1994  Melissa Kemp
 1995  George Jacques
 1996  John Vack
 1997  Greg Bodine
 1998  Carrie Hall
 1999  Deborah Whitehurst
 2000  Alan Knobloch
 2001  Mark Moritz
 2002  Michael Tucker

 2004  Kelley Tetzlaff
 2005  Linda Bowers
 2006  Charlene Tarver
 2007  Patty Park
 2008  Harlan Loffman
 2008/2009  Carrie Kinnear
 2009/2010  Carrie Kinnear
 2010/2011  Nancy Gerald
 2011/2012  Kathy Kramer
 2012/2013  John House
 2013/2014  Russell Goldstein
 2014/2015  Russell Goldstein
 2015/16  Russell Goldstein
 2016/17  Troy McNemar
 2017/18 Tiffany House
 2018/19 Tiffany House
 2019/20 Judith Smith
 2020/21 Judith Smith
 2021/22 Brad Harris

 Brad Harris

 2023/2024 Bath Salazar

Arizona Charitable Gift Planners

  602.840.2900 X1

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