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Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona


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Now is a great time to become connected to one of the most

vibrant, motivated, valuable organizations in the valley.

For the annual membership dues of just $175.00, receive $685 in value, plus the ability to save an additional $30.00 when selecting to  purchase pre-paid meetings with your annual membership:
  • 14  educational programs at member price point ($210 savings)

  • Annual conference member registration ($25.00 savings)

  • Member only resources:  directory, tools and tips page and Just 10 Percent campaign referral list ($200 value)

  • Facilitated CAP(R) Study Groups ($250 value)

  • Ability to submit content for the quarterly newsletters (articles, case studies, member news and highlights, etc.)  (Showcase your expertise and stories)

  • Participation in Speakers' Bureau (Showcase your knowledge)

The items noted above are just the direct ROI.  The connections, education, inspiration you will gain is of great value as well.

Click Here to Join Today!

PGRTAZ Mission:  To Educate, Motivate, and Empower our community to collectively promote and facilitate planned giving.

PGRTAZ Vision:  We envision an enriched community where leaving a legacy through planned giving is the social norm.

Members of PGRTAZ include:

  • Planned giving officers
  • Major gifts officers
  • Directors of Development
  • Nonprofit CEOs and Executive Directors
  • Nonprofit board members and trustees
  • Volunteers and donors
  • Fundraising consultants
  • Attorneys
  • Accountants
  • Financial planners
  • Elder Care Specialists
  • Business Brokers
  • Trust officers
  • Insurance and real estate professionals
  • Other financial services professionals and donor advisors
Members are committed to better serving their donors and clients by helping them to make charitable gifts that are well planned both
financially and philanthropically.

All members of the PGRTAZ agree to adhere to the Model Standards for Gift Planners:

The purpose of this statement is to encourage responsible gift planning by urging the adoption of the following Standards of Practice by all individuals who work in the charitable gift planning process, gift planning officers, fund raising consultants, attorneys, accountants, financial planners, life insurance agents and other financial services professionals (collectively referred to hereafter as "Gift Planners"), and by the institutions that these persons represent.

This statement recognizes that the solicitation, planning and administration of a charitable gift is a complex process involving philanthropic, personal, financial, and tax considerations, and as such often involves professionals from various disciplines whose goals should include working together to structure a gift that achieves a fair and proper balance between the interests of the donor and the purposes of the charitable institution.

The principal basis for making a charitable gift should be a desire on the part of the donor to support the work of charitable institutions.

Congress has provided tax incentives for charitable giving, and the emphasis in this statement on philanthropic motivation in no way minimizes the necessity and appropriateness of a full and accurate explanation by the Gift Planner of those incentives and their implications.

It is essential to the gift planning process that the role and relationships of all parties involved, including how and by whom each is compensated, be fully disclosed to the donor. A Gift Planner shall not act or purport to act as a representative of any charity without the express knowledge and approval of the charity, and shall not, while employed by the charity, act or purport to act as a representative of the donor, without the express consent of both the charity and the donor.

Compensation paid to Gift Planners shall be reasonable and proportionate to the services provided. Payment of finders fees, commissions or other fees by a donee organization to an independent Gift Planner as a condition for the delivery of a gift are never appropriate. Such payments lead to abusive practices and may violate certain state and federal regulations. Likewise, commission-based compensation for Gift Planners who are employed by a charitable institution is never appropriate.

The Gift Planner should strive to achieve and maintain a high degree of competence in his or her chosen area, and shall advise donors only in areas in which he or she is professionally qualified. It is a hallmark of professionalism for Gift Planners that they realize when they have reached the limits of their knowledge and expertise, and as a result, should include other professionals in the process. Such relationships should be characterized by courtesy, tact and mutual respect.

A Gift Planner acting on behalf of a charity shall in all cases strongly encourage the donor to discuss the proposed gift with competent independent legal and tax advisers of the donor's choice.

Although Gift Planners frequently and properly counsel donors concerning specific charitable gifts without the prior knowledge or approval of the donee organization, the Gift Planners, in order to insure that the gift will accomplish the donor's objectives, should encourage the donor, early in the gift planning process, to discuss the proposed gift with the charity to whom the gift is to be made. In cases where the donor desires anonymity, the Gift Planners shall endeavor, on behalf of the undisclosed donor, to obtain the charity's input in the gift planning process.

The Gift Planner shall make every effort to assure that the donor receives a full description and an accurate representation of all aspects of any proposed charitable gift plan. The consequences for the charity, the donor and, where applicable, the donor's family, should be apparent, and the assumptions underlying any financial illustrations should be realistic.

A Gift Planner shall fully comply with and shall encourage other parties in the gift planning process to fully comply with both the letter and spirit of all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.

Gift Planners shall, in all dealings with donors, institutions and other professionals, act with fairness, honesty, integrity and openness. Except for compensation received for services, the terms of which have been disclosed to the donor, they shall have no vested interest that could result in personal gain.

Adopted and subscribed to by the National Committee on Planned Giving and the American Council on Gift Annuities,
May 7, 1991. Revised April 1999.

Arizona Charitable Gift Planners

  602.840.2900 X1

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