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Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona


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Mission: Educate, motivate and empower our community to collectively promote and facilitate charitable gift planning

Vision: We envision an enriched community where leaving a legacy through charitable gift planning is the social norm

PGRTAZ Annual Report and Committee Kick Off Event. Our homage to Genius and Innovation: 99% Perspiration and 1% Inspiration!

  • 17 Sep 2013
  • 7:15 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Phoenix Country Club


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Program Description:  PGRTAZ Annual Report and Committee Kick Off Event.  Our homage to Genius and Innovation:  99% Perspiration and 1% Inspiration! 

First, meet our new board, and this seasons' committee chairs, and get introduced to the real hands on work of PGRTAZ.

Be impressed while incoming President Russ Goldstein presents the results of the Board of Directors 3 year effort to re-position this organization to support greater Impact in our community through re-structuring and innovating.

Next, listen while local community leader Harry Papp, shares his thoughts on making a difference.  Harry, along with his wife, Rose, have made their Impact in Arizona by getting their feet wet, their hands dirty, and by putting their financial support where their hearts are!

Finally, take 40 minutes to engage in our organization's work and expand your network, hone your skills, develop new tools for collaboration. Leverage your organization's impact in our community!

Leave connected to some new professional contacts, all understanding why your affiliation with PGRTAZ is more valuable to your career, your clients, and our community than ever before!

Registration and Breakfast: 7:15am;  Meet the Board and Chairs:  7:35 AM, State of PGRTAZ: 7:48 am;  In the Spotlight, Harry Papp: 7:55 am;  Shirt Sleeves Session: 8:20am; Adjourn 9am

 Many Thanks to our Breakfast Series Sponsor!

Last minute cancellations:  If you find you cannot attend, an e-mail to gives us an idea of how many extra seats we may have for those arriving "at the door".

Attending At the Door?  Here's more information.......

Arizona Charitable Gift Planners

  602.840.2900 X1

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