Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona
"The Rise of QCDs & the Role They'll Play in the Coming Decade"
Patrick Schmitt
Attendees who join this session will: Develop a clear understanding of the various policy and demographic shifts that have led to Qualified Charitable Distributions becoming the fastest growing form of giving in the United States. Identify key challenges and opportunities around QCDs, and how the leading nonprofits are addressing each Understand what messages and tactics are most successful in generating new QCDs from older donors This program is pre-approved for 1PT CFRE CE credit.
Attendees who join this session will:
This program is pre-approved for 1PT CFRE CE credit.
Many Thanks to our Program Partner!
Brad Harris, CFRE, CAP(R)
Arizona Charitable Gift Planners
602.840.2900 X1