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Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona


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Mission: Educate, motivate and empower our community to collectively promote and facilitate charitable gift planning

Vision: We envision an enriched community where leaving a legacy through charitable gift planning is the social norm

Breakfast Series: Advanced/Technical Planned Giving Track

  • 15 Nov 2011
  • 7:30 AM - 9:15 AM
  • Phoenix Country Club MEMBERS-please log into website FIRST to register for event


  • Timely RSVP is by noon the Thursday before the event. Sign in sheets, and guest name tags, are already in process. We look forward to seeing you, and will use our "at the door" registration process when you arrive.
  • Timely RSVP is by noon the Thursday before the event. Sign in sheets, and guest name tags, are already in process. We look forward to seeing you, and will use our "at the door" registration process when you arrive.
  • Timely RSVP is by noon the Thursday before the event. Sign in sheets, and guest name tags, are already in process. We look forward to seeing you, and will use our "at the door" registration process when you arrive.

Registration is closed
Topic: Reviewing Non Profit Financials: Identifying Red Flags
Speaker:  Rob Leslie, CPA
               Partner, Eide Bailly LLP
Program Description: 
Reviewing Grantee Financial Statements:
  • Key Accounting Terms
  • Reading and Interpreting Financial Statements
  • Financial Trends
  • Red Flags to Look For
  • How to Know if a Non profit is Gaining or Losing Ground
  • SAS 112 Communication
  • New 990 Form for 2008
 Many Thanks to our Breakfast Series Sponsor!

Thank you for registering by noon the Thursday prior to the event!
At the Door & Late RSVP's will be charged an additional $5.00
(please wait until the program starts before being seated)
No-shows are required to pay the applicable meeting fee.

Arizona Charitable Gift Planners

  602.840.2900 X1

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